Archive Monthly Archives: May 2017

The Jam Room Podcast

The Jam Room Podcast featured a newbie.

If you are a twister and haven't heard of the Jam Room Podcast, you are missing out.  Andrew Weaver​ has so many great episodes covering a broad range of topics, from decor, marketing, and becoming more artistic as an artist.  It's great stuff.  So great that a person like me who had given up on podcasts has become addicted.  He interviews world class artists, and he's right up there himself.  But every once in awhile, he likes to interview newbies, and somehow I got lucky.

Well, luck, and a crazy conversation that followed a thread I started when I shared my last blog post about things I learned on my first gig.  Vending is a hot topic for balloon twisters.  To do it, or not to do it, and under what circumstances.  I'm still glad I did, and I'm going to do it again in a month, but that's besides the point.

Anyway, hear me go on gabbing when you can head over there and listen to the interview yourself.  You'll learn more about how and why I got started in balloons.  If that's not your cup of tea and you want to hear some more established balloon artists, check out some of the many other episodes.  They're all fun because Andrew is a really fun guy to talk to.  It's all great stuff.​  Now get!  Shoo!